Wellness Hotel Kontakt ****
- Parking
- Board
- Dogs allowed
- room with a toilet
- Room with sanitary facilities
- TV
- Outdoor seating
- Playroom for children
- Internet
- Congress facilities
- Wellness services
- Massages
- Sauna
- Fitness
- Bowling
- Tennis
- Billiards
- Bar
- Wellness hotel
- Baby friendly
Accommodation type: | Hotels **** |
Location: | Stara Lesna |
Area: | Tatra villages |
Approximate price: | 75.00 € - we will verify availability and price for you TODAY |
Min. number of people: | 1 |
Max. number of persons: | 95 |
Parking: | Secure, unpaid |
Board: | Restaurant |
Dogs allowed: | Accommodation with a dog for a fee |
room with a toilet: | room with a toilet |
Room with sanitary facilities: | Room with sanitary facilities |
TV: | TV in room |
Outdoor seating: | Outdoor seating |
Playroom for children: | Playroom for children |
Internet: | WIFI connection throughout the hotel |
Congress facilities: | Congress facilities |
Wellness services: | Wellness centre |
Massages: | Massages |
Sauna: | Sauna |
Fitness: | Fitness centre |
Bowling: | Bowling |
Tennis: | Tennis court |
Billiards: | Billiards |
Bar: | Bar |
KONTAKT Wellness Hotel **** is located in Stará Lesná . Directly above it the shields of the High Tatras refer. The hotel is surrounded by beautiful mountain nature , and this is the ideal choice for relaxing wellness stays, family vacations, conferences, training and teambuilding stays.
KONTAKT Wellness Hotel **** in Stará Lesná offers you accommodation in comfortable rooms and stylish apartments . Modern amenities and a touch of nature everywhere around you will guarantee perfect relaxation and relaxation not only for the body but also for the soul.
The restaurant offers not only the ability to suppress hunger, but the experience is enhanced by gastronomic art . A traditional Slovak good, wellness and foreign specialties regularly offers news and seasonal delicacies
Other Services
The Wonderful World wellness hotel has an area of up to 1000 m2 . We can offer 7 saunas and relaxation rooms, swimming pool, jacuzzi with whirlpools, massages and SPA treatments. Perfect gourmet cuisine and a variety of relaxing activities for children and adults will guarantee exceptional experiences in the High Tatras.