Hotel Horizont ****
The most modern wellness hotel in the Tatras
- Parking
- Board
- Dogs allowed
- room with a toilet
- Room with sanitary facilities
- TV
- Outdoor seating
- Playroom for children
- Internet
- Congress facilities
- Wellness services
- Massages
- Sauna
- Fitness
- Tennis
- Billiards
- Bar
- Sports equipment rental
- Wellness hotel
- Baby friendly
Accommodation type: | Hotels **** |
Location: | Stara Lesna |
Area: | Tatra villages |
Approximate price: | 70.00 € - we will verify availability and price for you TODAY |
Min. number of people: | 1 |
Max. number of persons: | 92 |
- Fill out this non-binding inquiry form
- We will check the availability and the price, we will send you the offer by e-mail
- If you are interested in making a reservation, you confirm the offer